Miz Angie

Miz Angie

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My room mates!

I have been aboslutely blessed to have the most wonderful room mates and friends. They have so much grace and kindness and it has been contagious nonetheless! I am so grateful that I was embraced with such great people in my life and they came just in the nick of time. I was praying for them for so long! I love my home; filled with lots of laughter and good home cooked food... awe, these are defiantly the moments that make the memories later shnie though.!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Riding our Schwins!

Yesterday my parents and I bought Schwin bikes! We decided that this summer we were going to try to get out more and do things together. Today we went for our first ride; it was absolutely exhausting and at the same time hiliarious. We rode to our Aunt Rozs! I couldn't believe how steep the hill was on the way there.... I defiantly enjoyed the ride down. I know my mom was thrilled. Needless to say, getting these bikes was the best thing that we could of done. For we have miles ahead of us and lots of laughter to go with it! :)